Ethics Policy

At BDP: BangladesherPatro, we are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in journalism. Our Ethics Policy ensures that our reporting is conducted with integrity, independence, and respect. Here are the core principles that guide our work:

1. Integrity

  • Accuracy: We strive to provide accurate and truthful information in all our reports. We verify facts and cross-check information from multiple reliable sources before publication.
  • Honesty: We present the news honestly and fairly, without distortion. We avoid deceptive practices and always seek the truth.

2. Independence

  • Editorial Independence: We maintain editorial independence from political, commercial, and other influences. Our reporting is free from bias and external pressures.
  • Conflict of Interest: We disclose any potential conflicts of interest and ensure that they do not influence our reporting. Our journalists avoid situations that could compromise their impartiality.

3. Transparency

  • Source Disclosure: We disclose our sources whenever possible, unless doing so would jeopardize their safety or violate confidentiality agreements.
  • Correction of Errors: We acknowledge and correct errors promptly. Corrections are clearly indicated to maintain transparency and trust with our readers.

4. Respect

  • Dignity and Privacy: We respect the dignity and privacy of individuals in our reporting. We avoid content that discriminates, harasses, or promotes intolerance.
  • Sensitive Reporting: We handle sensitive subjects with care, ensuring that our reporting does not cause unnecessary harm or distress.

5. Accountability

  • Responsibility to Readers: We are accountable to our readers and welcome feedback. We provide mechanisms for readers to report errors or raise concerns about our content.
  • Ethical Journalism: Our journalists and editors are trained to adhere to these ethical standards. We continuously review and update our practices to uphold these principles.

At BDP: BangladesherPatro, our commitment to ethical journalism is at the core of our mission. By adhering to these principles, we aim to maintain the trust of our readers and provide them with reliable, unbiased, and respectful news coverage.