
The Executive Editor oversees all departments, including news, reporting, and editorial units at Bangladesherpatro. The Executive Editor is supported by the Chief Reporter and News Editor.

Each department has designated ‘In-charges’ responsible for managing their respective teams. The Chief Reporter leads the reporting team, while the News Editor oversees the central desk of Bangladesherpatro. Other departments, such as Digital, Technology and Web, Sports, Entertainment, International, English, Country, and Features, are each headed by their respective In-charges. Senior Sub-Editors assist all department heads.

The Research and Development department writes editorials, opinions, and columns under the guidance of the Editor of Bangladesherpatro. They also curate editorials from other distinguished writers.

The Admin and Human Resources department manages overall operations, including Accounts, Production, Store, and Establishment units. The Accounts department oversees financial matters for Bangladesherpatro.

Organogram of

  1. Executive Editor
    • Chief Reporter
      • Reporting Team
        • Reporters
        • Journalists
    • News Editor
      • Central Desk
        • Senior Sub-Editors
        • Sub-Editors
  2. Department In-Charges
    • Digital, Technology, and Web Department
      • Senior Sub-Editors
      • Digital Editors
    • Sports Department
      • Senior Sub-Editors
      • Sports Writers
    • Entertainment Department
      • Senior Sub-Editors
      • Entertainment Writers
    • International Department
      • Senior Sub-Editors
      • International News Writers
    • English Department
      • Senior Sub-Editors
      • English News Writers
    • Country Department
      • Senior Sub-Editors
      • Country Reporters
    • Feature Department
      • Senior Sub-Editors
      • Feature Writers
  3. Research and Development Department
    • Editorial Writers
    • Opinion Writers
    • Columnists
    • Renowned Guest Writers
  4. Admin and Human Resources Department
    • Accounts Department
      • Finance Team
      • Accountants
    • Production Department
      • Production Managers
      • Production Staff
    • Store Department
      • Store Managers
      • Store Staff
    • Establishment Unit
      • Facility Managers
      • Maintenance Staff