Publishing Principles

Publishing Principles of BDP:BangladesherPatro

  1. Accuracy and Verification:
    • We prioritize accuracy in all news and information published.
    • Information is verified through multiple credible sources before publication.
    • Corrections are promptly issued for any inaccuracies found post-publication.
  2. Fairness and Balance:
    • We strive to present all sides of a story fairly and without bias.
    • Opinion pieces are clearly distinguished from factual news content.
  3. Transparency:
    • Sources of information are clearly attributed.
    • Conflicts of interest, where applicable, are disclosed.
    • Sponsored content is clearly labeled as such to maintain transparency with our readers.
  4. Ethics and Integrity:
    • Upholding ethical standards in journalism is paramount.
    • We adhere to the principles of journalistic independence and avoid conflicts that could compromise our integrity.
  5. Respect for Privacy and Sensitivity:
    • We respect the privacy of individuals and adhere to ethical guidelines when reporting on sensitive matters.
    • Sensationalism is avoided, and the dignity of individuals is upheld in our reporting.
  6. Accountability:
    • Feedback from our audience is valued and considered in our editorial processes.
    • Corrections and clarifications are issued promptly when errors are identified.
  7. Community Engagement:
    • We foster an open dialogue with our audience, encouraging constructive feedback and engagement.
    • Community concerns and interests are reflected in our editorial decisions and coverage.
  8. Digital Responsibility:
    • We adhere to best practices in digital publishing, ensuring our online platforms are secure and accessible.
    • We are committed to combating misinformation and promoting media literacy.
  9. Continuous Improvement:
    • We continuously review and improve our editorial standards and practices to better serve our readers and uphold our mission.

These publishing principles guide our editorial team at BDP: BangladesherPatro in delivering trustworthy, informative, and impactful journalism to our audience. We are dedicated to maintaining these standards to earn and preserve the trust of our readers in Bangladesh and beyond.