Connecting You with the Truth

At BDP: BangladesherPatro, our team is comprised of passionate professionals dedicated to delivering reliable and up-to-date news coverage across various domains. From seasoned journalists to expert editors and talented digital strategists, each member of our team plays a crucial role in shaping the content and direction of our news portal.

Executive Leadership

Shahadat Hossen

    • Role: Executive Editor
    • Bio: With years of experience in journalism, Shahadat Hossen leads our editorial team with a commitment to journalistic integrity and comprehensive news reporting.

Editorial and Reporting

Our editorial and reporting teams are led by experienced professionals who ensure that every story we cover meets the highest standards of accuracy and relevance. From breaking news to in-depth features, our journalists strive to keep our readers informed about the latest developments both locally and globally.

Department Heads

Each department at BDP is headed by dedicated individuals who bring specialized knowledge and expertise to their respective fields:

  • Digital Department: Led by [……………………], our digital team ensures our online presence remains dynamic and user-friendly, providing seamless access to our content.
  • Technology Department: [……………..] oversees technological advancements that enhance our ability to deliver news efficiently and securely.
  • Sports, Entertainment, and Other Departments: Under the leadership of their respective heads, these departments cover a wide range of topics—from sports updates to entertainment news and beyond—ensuring diverse and engaging content for our readers.

Administration and Support

Behind the scenes, our administrative and support teams work tirelessly to manage operations, support our staff, and maintain the infrastructure that keeps BDP running smoothly.

Our Commitment

At BDP: BangladesherPatro, we are committed to journalistic excellence and integrity. Our team’s dedication to providing accurate, timely, and unbiased news reflects our mission to serve as a trusted source of information for our readers. We strive to uphold the highest standards of professionalism in everything we do, ensuring that our audience receives reliable news coverage that matters.

Join us as we continue to grow and innovate, delivering impactful journalism that makes a difference in Bangladesh and beyond.

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